17. Landscape, liberty and authority :

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کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان‌های اروپایی (قم)

موضوع : Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,1772-1834-- Landscape.,Cowper, William,1731-1800.,Johnson, Samuel,1709-1784.,Thomson, James,1700-1748.,Wordsworth, William,1770-1850-- Landscape.,Authority in literature.,Description (Rhetoric)-- History-- 18th century.,English poetry-- 18th century-- History and criticism.,Landscapes in literature.,Liberty in literature.,Picturesque, The, in literature.,Political poetry, English-- History and criticism.,Politics and literature-- Great Britain-- History-- 18th century.,Authority in literature,Das Pittoreske-- Lyrik-- englische-- Geschichte 18. Jh.,Description (Rhetoric),Englisch,English poetry,English poetry-- 18th century.,Landscape in literature.,Landscapes in literature,Landschaft-- Motiv-- Lyrik-- englische.,Liberty in literature,Literature and politics-- Great Britain-- 18th century.,Lyrik,Lyrik-- englische-- Das Pittoreske-- Geschichte 18. Jh.,Lyrik-- englische-- Motiv-- Landschaft.,Lyrik-- englische-- Politik-- Geschichte 18. Jh.,Natur,Picturesque, The, in literature,Political poetry, English,Politics and literature,Politik-- Lyrik-- englische-- Geschichte 18. Jh.,Great Britain, 7

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